Prohibited Employment

To continue receiving your monthly pension benefits, you must not work in any of the following:

Before age 65: 1) Employment covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Northern California District Council of Laborers (NCDCL) or affiliated local union; or 2) Employment for the NCDCL or affiliated local union; or 3) Employment/self-employment for wages or profit in the Building & Construction Industry or in a Related Plan with which the Trust Fund has a reciprocal agreement.

Between ages 65 and 70½: 1) In an industry in which you were employed and accrued benefits under the Plan as a result of that employment at the time your pension began; 2) In a trade or craft in which you were employed at any time under the Plan; and 3) In the state of California.

File an Employment Verification Form  if you wish to verify whether your employment is prohibited.

Suspension of Benefits

If you are working in employment or self-employment as described in the Prohibited Employment section to your left, your Pension benefit will be affected as follows:

Before age 65: You will be suspended for the number of months worked in prohibited employment, plus a 3-month penalty before monthly pension resumes.

Between ages 65 and 70½: You are permitted to work in prohibited employment less than 40 hours per month. Otherwise, pension benefit will be suspended and will resume for any month you work less than 40 hours.

April 1st following your 70½ birth date: You can engage in any type of employment without jeopardizing your pension.

For more information, refer to your Pension Plan Summary Plan Description and Rules and Regulations or contact the Trust Fund Office.

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