
In general, the rotation of on-site visits to the Locals is:

  • Local No.270 (San Jose) - Tuesdays

  • Local No.185 (Sacramento) - Wednesdays

  • Local No.261 (San Francisco) - 1st & 2nd Thursdays of each month

  • Local No.1130 (Modesto) - 4th Thursday morning of each month 

  • Local No.73 (Stockton) - 4th Thursday afternoon of each month

  • Local No.304 (Hayward) - 2nd & 3rd Friday of each month

  • All other Locals - Upon request and time permitting

If you need help with your benefits, contact your Local Union office to make an appointment with the Trust Funds Benefit Field Representative.


Go Paperless

It's an easy way to get less mail every month. And there's no need to store your statements or other documentation at home. When you go paperless, no one can access your account information by intercepting your mail or going through your recycling. You can securely access your documents and correspondence using the secure Member Portal inbox. We will notify you at the email address you provide when